Boundaries – Healthy-ish?

•August 23, 2020 • Leave a Comment

So, my therapist (who has been awesome at giving me work to do that keeps me grounded and motivated to continue improving), tasked me with starting a running list of healthy boundaries to have in my romantic relationships (since this is where I’ve really struggled the past 20-odd years), and this is what I have come up with (so far);


1. Respect my wishes to get to know each other as friends before beginning any sort of sexual relationship.

2. If they say they are going to call me at a certain time, they do it.

3. If they say they are going to do something for or with me, they do.

4. If they make plans with me, they keep those plans and don’t cancel all of the time.

5. If we are dating and they make plans with others, they at least give me a heads up and the basics of when and with who.

6. They don’t have inappropriate relationships with exes or friends. This includes maintaining close friendships with people they have had a casual sexual relationship with. I know some people don’t have issues with this, but I do. I don’t believe that you can share that level of intimacy and then be “just friends”.

7. They must be willing to introduce me to friends and then family after an appropriate length of exclusivity.

8. They must be willing to meet my friends and then family after an appropriate length of exclusivity.

9. They must treat service people well.

10. They must not talk poorly about exes. It’s ok to discuss boundaries or triggering behaviors, but if they say their exes are all crazy or other such negative things, that’s a huge sign of immaturity and an inability to acknowledge ones’ own part in their past.

11. They must not talk about exes all of the time.

12. No drug or alcohol problems. Ideally, no smoking either (or they must be active in the process of quitting).

13. They must be comfortable with affection and talking about their emotions.

14. They must be willing to admit when they are wrong and apologize when they mess up. Mistakes happen, it’s how you handle those mistakes that show who you really are.

15. They must be supportive of therapy. They don’t necessarily have to have ever been in it themselves, but they must view therapy in a positive light.

16. Once the relationship progresses to physical intimacy, they must be willing to discuss STI status, get tested, and also discuss sex as a whole. A lack of communication in regards to sex is a no-go for me from now on.

17. They have to read. I can’t be with someone who doesn’t try to learn new things or doesn’t care about anything that isn’t superficial.

18. They must be able to hold an intelligent conversation about something other than themselves, superficial celebrity crap, or work. I am a pretty deep person, and I want to explore many topics with my partner.

19. They must appreciate small gestures of affection such as notes, cards, or small tangible signs of our relationship.

20. They must be able to still speak intelligently and thoughtfully when angry. No name-calling. No blame game. No blowing up and throwing things or getting violent in any way.

21. They must love cats.

22. They must enjoy simple things like mini road trips with music blasting and the windows down, sitting at the beach watching the sunset, and making a meal together before cuddling on the couch.

The Love Letter

•August 3, 2020 • Leave a Comment

I want you to know that I have been wanting to tell you these things for a long time. Years, in fact, but I just didn’t know how to find the words, and the timing never seemed right. Well, too much time has passed, and who gets to decide that the timing isn’t right anyway?

You’ve been through a LOT, and I know you’ve been really hurt…way more than you’ve let anyone else know. You love with your whole heart, and sometimes you have loved people that just weren’t capable of loving you back the way you loved them. And that’s OK. It’s all been OK.

Because love you. 

I love you more than anything else in this world. I love you more than anyone else in this world. I love you more than all your bad days and all the good times. More than all of your breakdowns and breakthroughs. I love all of you. Even the parts you don’t share with others.

I love the star freckle on your right arm. I love the silvery grey flecks in your icy blue eyes. I love the way you get crinkly little dimples when you smile. I love how you basically never fully smile in photos because you’re kind of embarrassed about your teeth.

I love that you blast music while you drive and dance in the driver’s seat as if nobody can see you. I love that you always seek out the animals anytime you’re at a large gathering. I love that you will sit and stare at the jellyfish tank at the aquarium for hours. I love that you’ll do the same by a fire or by the ocean.

I love that you’re always overly prepared on vacation like a mom would probably be. I love that you always have snacks on you somewhere. I love that you never go anywhere without a phone charger or power bank. I love that you’ve developed the habit of having a blade and a pen on you at all times.

I love that you get teary-eyed at certain commercials and certain movies – no matter how many times you’ve seen them. I love that you are always down to watch a sappy love story because you’ve never given up on love. I love that these are the kinds of movies you always try to get new people in your life to watch.

I love that you still do things like make people playlists and write them notes that you tuck away in pockets to be found at a later time to make them smile. I love that you truly believe that home isn’t just four walls, but where you feel most loved and safest. I love that you aren’t afraid to share of yourself fully. I love that you don’t try to hide behind filters and you want people to know all of you.

I love that you have multiple crossword puzzle apps on your phone. I love that you read every single day, even if it’s just smutty fanfic. I love that you build Lego sets and color to relax. I love that you’re open to new experiences. I love that you aren’t afraid to admit when you’re wrong. I love that you never stop learning, and never stop growing.

I love that when things got really bad, you owned up to it and attacked the problems from all sides. I love that you are working on yourself and focusing on your mental health like a full-time job. I love that you know how to ask for help. I love that you can be humble and know how to apologize and ask for forgiveness. I love that you’re working on forgiving yourself.

I love that you have opened yourself up to things you used to avoid. I love that you have made it a point to write every single day. I love that you make time to show gratitude every day. I love that you are trying meditation and basic yoga stretches. I love that you fall asleep to positive affirmations every night. I love that you have set intentions and released limitations. I love that you know that you deserve the world.

I love that you are opening yourself up to the abundance that the universe is bringing to you. I love that your best days are still ahead of you. I love that you never gave up. I love that when you were paralyzed with pain and self-doubt, you managed to find your strength and pick yourself up. I love that you’ve overcome so much.

I love that you’re about to experience the greatness that you’ve always aspired to. I love that you’re about to see that your dreams are actually reality. I love that you’re ready for anything.

I love that I get to be there for all of it. I love that I get to love you. I love that you are me.

Dear 17/18 Year Old Me…

•August 2, 2020 • Leave a Comment

Dear 17/18 Year Old Me,

My dear, darling girl…where do I even begin. I know you think that you’re invincible. I know you think that you’ve got everything figured out. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but honey, you aren’t and you don’t.

Right now, you’re at college and you’re fucking around with classes and soooooo focused on your social life and experimenting with drugs and alcohol and your sexuality, and that’s OK. Nobody can tell you otherwise anyway, and honestly, I think you need to get some of the wild out.

You’re having lots of sex and hook-ups with lots of different women, you’re getting into gay bars that you have no business being in, and you feel on top of the world. Everything seems possible. And it is. Everything will ALWAYS be possible. However, there’s a REALLY big but here…

I know that you’re infatuated with one woman in particular. I know she’s ultimately why you decided to even apply at this school. I know she’s been keeping you at arm’s length because you’re still a minor, and I know you’re hoping that once you turn 18, you’re going to get your wish and you two will get together.

You will. And it’s going to be life-altering. But probably not in the way you’re expecting. It’s not going to last, dear heart. I’m sorry, but it’s not. I know that you’ve put her on this pedestal and made her out to be this unattainable goddess, and once you get her, you’re going to feel a euphoria that you are going to think you’ll never feel again, but I need you to know, the way you’ve idolized her is going to crush you when she doesn’t want anything serious with you.

It’s going to suck. You’re going to feel like you want to die. You aren’t going to know how to handle this rejection, and it’s going to send you down a path of idolization, putting women on pedestals, compromising your boundaries, losing yourself, putting your needs last, ruining your mental health, making really bad financial decisions, chasing approval and validation, jumping at the first signs of interest from people you’d never even be friends with if you just took time to get to know them, and a cycle of such out-sized attachment trauma based reactions that nobody is going to want to even try to be in a relationship with you. This is 38 year old you writing to you right now. I am the reality of this singular event and experience unfolding. I’ve been able to connect the dots backwards.

So please, be gentle with yourself. It’s going to be OK. Just because she doesn’t want anything serious with you doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you!!! You have a lot of love to give, and I promise you that not having your affection reciprocated isn’t the end of the world.

Please also take advantage of your healthcare benefits and get yourself in therapy as soon as you can to address the issues from childhood that you’re bottling up. I know you think that you’ve handled it all and you’re not being affected by them. I can attest that you’re wrong. Your life will get a million times better once you start working on it. I promise.

Never forget that you are a rockstar. You’re so, SO worthy of love, affection, loyalty, romance, the whole package…and you WILL have it all someday. Don’t give up.

I love you!

38 Year Old Me

Who You Were…

•July 25, 2020 • Leave a Comment

We all tell a story about who we are. A daughter. A writer. A cat lover. A nomad. A homebody. The thing is, how many of us are holding ourselves back because of the stories we tell about ourselves?

I know what you’re thinking…and you might be right…I might be a little crazy…I might be a little esoteric…I might be taking being hardcore into therapy a teensy little bit too far. Or maybe I’m not. Maybe I haven’t been taking it far enough.

You see, I’ve been tasked and challenged by my therapist to journal about who I am. About what makes me, me. My values. My passions. My strengths. Because I have been all too willing to change who I am to fit the mold of what other people are looking for in the pursuit of supposed happiness, sex and I guess “love”…but can it really be love if I can’t be myself?

Anyway…before I go off on that particular tangent…I realized that when I sat down and really thought about the “story” I was telling about myself, it wasn’t a good one. It was a story that helped me perpetuate the same failing actions and the same failed relationships, over and over and over and over again. I can’t keep doing that. Definition of insanity and whatnot…

So, for accountability and to get it out of my brain once and for all, here goes nothing. This is the story of who I’ve been and who I will no longer be. Buckle in, because it’s a wild one;


I have always been the last stop relationship before people have found their “lifelong happiness”. The training wheels if you will. It’s been kind of a running joke that well over 50% of the people I have dated have pretty much immediately moved onto their spouses directly after me. Sometimes they left me for them, other times the timing was extremely suspect, so you can draw your own conclusions.

It wouldn’t matter how much time I took off in between relationships to work on myself, it just. Kept. Happening. Now, I’ve always prided myself on being an all or nothing kind of person, so when I have been in a relationship, I have given it and that person my absolute everything. And I do mean that. From my last penny to my last shred of personal dignity.

I have changed so many things about myself to try to become the perfect person for the person I have been with, it’s a little psychotic. Hairstyles, clothes, the way I’ve talked, I’ve gotten tattoos, I’ve not gotten tattoos, I’ve stopped eating and drinking things I really love. I’ve stopped watching the shows and movies I love and listening to the music I really enjoy and instead have just deferred to what they’ve wanted. I’ve accepted way less affection than I have wanted and needed. And probably the most telling about compatibility, I’ve not had the sex I’ve wanted and convinced myself that it was OK because I loved that person.

I have been a person who has been so desperate for love – so desperate to live the life I’ve always dreamed of – that I have jumped into relationships at the first sign of interest from people I had no business trying to be in a relationship with. I was so hurt and lacking of self-love that I sought it elsewhere, constantly. I routinely would see gigantic red flags and just keep on plowing ahead, convincing myself if I just tried hard enough, I could make it work. That I could finally be enough. But I never was.

I was never enough because they weren’t the right people for me. They all needed me to be something I wasn’t to fit their narrative, and I was all too willing to try to mold myself to fit their lives. I wasn’t living my life for myself. I was living my life to be seen and loved by other people.

And along the way, I lost sight of who I was, and I went from just not loving myself enough, to not loving myself at all, to actively hating who I was, because I was the person who got lied to. I was the person who got cheated on. I was the person who got lead on until they found someone new. But it wasn’t because I wasn’t good enough, it was all because I didn’t love myself enough to wait for the right person.


This was my story. This was my narrative. No more.

So if you see me around and you don’t recognize me, you’ll know why. I am changing my life. I am loving myself. I am putting myself first. I am fucking amazing, and I’m going to make a great wife to a very lucky woman some day. Maybe I’ll even make a great mom. Who knows. My story has yet to be written, but rest assured, I am the hero of my own movie now.

Good Mourning

•July 17, 2020 • Leave a Comment

I feel like literal shit barely warmed over. I haven’t been to work in 3 days, and I’m going in today, but I don’t know that I have the energy in me to fake being OK.

I keep asking myself and those closest to me what the fucking lesson is that I am missing. Why I keep going down this path of self-deluded, give my everything, “love”, only to ignore all of the red flags, ignore all of my boundaries, and for what? External validation? Feeling good about myself because another human wants to be with me?

Because that’s 100% what I’ve been doing. I still give it my all and love with my whole heart, but I keep jumping for people who either have massive problems of their own (then I feel needed), or who are emotionally unavailable (then I feel special because they are giving me attention, even if it’s bad or the bare fucking minimum).

One of my good friends and I spent hours on a video call last night because, let’s be real, I was NOT in a good place and I needed to not be alone for awhile. She gave me this list of red flags that I can’t ignore anymore, and one of them was, “Anyone who is attracted to you in your broken, or desperate state. (Because you will not always be broken, and they will try to keep you that way)”.

While I may not necessarily agree that everyone would try to keep a broken person broken, it’s a really good point, and brings up a good question…why do people pursue others who are broken? Is it because they want to fix them? Is it because it makes them feel strong to be with someone who is in a vulnerable state?

One thing I do know – *if* I get into another relationship, it won’t be for a long time. And it won’t be until I am a whole person. I’d say again, but I’m suspecting that I haven’t been a whole person since childhood. Some long pushed aside shit is coming up recently and I’m not OK with what that probably means about me as a person.

I’m an anxious attacher. I fall madly in lust/like/love with my polar opposites who avoid attachment like the plague, or who (this is SO much worse for me) vacillate between being super attached and then super cold. I always thought that cheating was the biggest mistake someone could make with me, but I’m learning that it’s lies and lying that are what send me off the cliff. Not only confirmed lies (ironically, I feel better once I know the truth and the other person admits it), but those inconsistencies and incongruities that get my mind churning trying to find the lies. I am relentless when I perceive that I’m being lied to.

Oh, what’s that? That’s a sign of hyper vigilance and a key indicator of unresolved trauma? You don’t fucking say. Problem is, I still don’t know where or when exactly I got so fucked up. Not yet anyway. But I need to figure it out.

I have to. For what’s left of my sanity and my heart.

Man, I’m going to be so hard to get to know for the next person who tries. Or I’m just going to still be a mess and push them away.

Still don’t understand how or why I felt (and still feel) the things that emerged in this last one. And that’s what makes it so much worse.

Here’s To New Beginnings?

•July 16, 2020 • Leave a Comment

Yeah, yeah…I know.

I’ve been absolutely terrible at updating. I let the domain expire. I hadn’t written anything in MONTHS. Well, anything that wasn’t meant for personal consumption, anyway.

So, news. I’m single. I am possibly at the lowest point a human being can get without being dead. I don’t know how to fix my life, and I’m in therapy so much I’m pretty sure my therapist is in therapy.

To say that shit has been dark would be a massive understatement.

Turns out, I’m really shitty at relationships. I mean, spectacularly bad. I’m not sure that a human being is supposed to feel like lava is being poured down their insides, but again, yeah.

I have, at points, in the last little while, thought about no longer existing. No, I didn’t want to kill myself, but I have contemplated if the world would be any different without me in it. If it would be better.

Unfortunately for me, I haven’t caught COVID at work, and I get to sit in my pain and cry myself to sleep at night wishing things were different. My therapist says I’m grieving and its totally natural to have really good days and them just get blindsided by something and be hurt all over again.

But then again, I don’t just hurt. I go off the deep end into a cycle of pain and just…just know it’s not pretty.

People who know me casually think I have my shit together. The few people who know me really well…well, I know I’ve scared a few of them recently. I’m not ok. I’m not in a good headspace. I haven’t been in years. And I need to take responsibility for everything that I’ve done.

I’ve hurt people. I’ve reacted very poorly. I’ve maneuvered from a place of such profound hurt that has just been compounding that I don’t know who I am anymore. Genuinely. I look in the mirror and it’s like face blindness.

I’ve done things I’m not proud of. I’ve recorded breakdowns and fights and tried desperate measures to save relationships. But they weren’t going to be saved. I just made them far, far worse.

Scorched earth and whatnot. That’s how I’ve been rolling. Because I have been so desperate to feel loved and wanted and needed and desired that I got into relationships I had no business being in.

I hadn’t done the hard work on myself and I know now that I was seeking affection and validation from others because I am not secure in myself. I am not happy with myself. Like, in fact, I’m pretty much the opposite.

I feel stuck. I keep repeating the same patterns over and over and over again. I’ve been the cameo in so many other people’s movies, it’s no wonder I’m living in what is essentially a closet with a window. This is where I’ve ended up by putting the responsibility for my happiness in other people’s hands.

I am broke down. Raw. This is the most vulnerable I’ve ever felt. I’ve just successfully ensured yet another relationship can never be repaired or rekindled, and I’m so sick that all I want is to have someone love me unconditionally and wrap their arms around me and hold me while I cry it all out. And yes. I cry. A lot. I know I’ve been accused of being unemotional and stoic in past relationships, but holy fuck have I become a world champion at it lately.

This isn’t all doom and gloom though. I am working on myself. Hard. In therapy. Taking seminars. Reading loads of books. Watching tons of videos. Sleeping to positive affirmation meditations. Writing in two separate positive mindset and gratitude journals. Attempting to get beyond the story of me that has become so engrained in my psyche that I live down to it.

I want more than this life I’m living, if that’s what it can even be called. I deserve it. I deserve happiness. I’m not that scared kid just begging for attention and approval anymore. I need to act like it.

I don’t know what will ever become of this blog…if anything. However, this is my accountability.

I’ve been a really shitty fucking person to be around for the past few years, and I own that. I’ve fucked up a lot, in sometimes unforgivable ways. I did that. Me. Sorry will never be enough.

I’m changing. I have to. I will die if I don’t.

So, here goes…my honest, no holds barred documentation of where I am. Starting today.

Names, if used, will be changed.

Oh, and I fucked up big today. I broke my own damned no contact policy because I found something out and I reacted by confronting. To say it went poorly is the understatement of the century. I really do like to kill any chances of reconciliation with people.


•December 31, 2019 • Leave a Comment

Yeah…I know. I’m an asshole for never updating.

It was hard to want to update when every day felt like a struggle and I felt like I couldn’t be myself. I still feel…as though I will be scrutinized for every word I write.

Life threw some pretty big boulders at me these past few…I’m not at all where I ever imagined I would be. I’m not at all who I even thought I could or would be. I’m not even certain I can even describe myself at this point.

Doors were closed. Doors were opened. Doorbells were never answered. Doors were firmly slammed shut. Doorways were vacated.

I’ve put in an enormous amount of work on myself these past couple years, and 2019 in particular I seemed to have evolved in leaps and bounds. I am leaving quite a few things behind this year, but I am taking and honoring the lessons learned into my future.

My dreams, hopes, and goals have never really changed…if anything they’ve been solidified.

Im on an unfamiliar path, and it’s scary as fuck, but I can honestly say it seems like I may finally be on MY path.

I’m seeing things in a totally new lights. I have rediscovered my resilience. Weight has been lifted (literally and figuratively) and it’s noticed by everyone around me.

A new journey starts with one step, and I know I may stumble and even fall, but I also know I will keep getting up and moving forward.

My story isn’t over; the best book of my life has started to be written.

Isn’t This Supposed To Be Hard?

•September 20, 2017 • Leave a Comment

So I’m 4 weeks into my second semester back at college…and it just seems all too easy. Isn’t this supposed to be hard? Isn’t that why I waited so fucking long to come back???

I mean, fuck, if I had known that as anything other than 17-year-old me college would feel easy, shit…

Where could I be now if I had gone back earlier? Would I be 35 and feeling like I don’t count in the business world?

Who would I be???

I mean, let’s be real, I fucked up my own shit at 17 and 18. I don’t think I matured really until I hit probably 30. So, I mean, I probably wouldn’t have taken school as seriously as I do now until this point in my life.

It’s kind of funny though…I’m writing papers in a half hour and getting A’s. I’m bored to tears in my math classes. I’m flying through all of the assignments and tests in my Computer Apps class.

My law classes are fun to me, while other people in my classes groan at every assignment – even though they are clearly posted on the syllabi – and complain that “there’s too much work!” I disagree. I don’t find it to be too much work at all. I take things as they come, and try to get ahead as much as I possibly can every day.

I actually like going to classes. I feel close to what I felt like prior to having a mini-meltdown in high school. (To be fair though, I was dealing with a lot of internal strife when that happened – wanting desperately to be liked by people, but feeling like I was dying inside by hiding who I really was, plus trying to come to grips with parental infidelities and clear signs of parental alcoholism…)

Being back in school and on a new career path…ultimately I feel relief. I am so thankful for this opportunity, and I can’t wait to finish up and find a new job that actually interests me and fulfills a sense of purpose in me working there.

I just thought school would be harder…

Hands Down

•May 19, 2017 • 1 Comment

Have you ever just felt like no matter what you do, say, think, or even feel, you’re just going to wind up making a mess of things and creating yet another epic failure?

Totally having one of those days.

The worst part is I started to cry earlier, and then I just couldn’t. Like I have no idea what the fuck is wrong with me.

Correction…I know I feel like all my old familiar demons are back to mess with me, and they’re winning.

Hands up if you’ve ever felt like no matter what, you’re just not good enough. Keep them up if you feel like that no matter what people tell you. Keep them up if it rips you apart inside because you’ve felt that way for as long as you can remember.

OK. Hands Down.

The Fundamentals of Learning…3.5

•May 2, 2017 • Leave a Comment

So, it is official. I begin school again, FOR REAL, on June 5th. Holy fucking shit Batman. I am back in school. As an actual matriculated student. With a goddamn legitimate (heinous) student ID picture and everything.

My grandfather will find it amusing that I am going to school to become…a paralegal. Yeah, no shit! After years and years of pestering from my maternal grandparents, I’m actually, finally, pursuing a career in law. Granted, it’s not as a lawyer. Yet.

Thanks to my former employer’s incredible foresight to immediately lay us off and farm our jobs overseas as soon as the ink was dry from the buyout, I get to go back to school, full time, FOR FREE, because of this nifty thing called the Trade Agreement Act. So, that’s exactly what I’m going to do for the next two years.

I’m finally getting a degree! A real one! Not just a degree in sarcasm and Lego Architecture. (see, sarcasm…told you…)

Of course, I’m kind of terrified that I’m going to repeat the mistakes I made as a 17 and 18 year old, but I’ve been assured by many people that I’ve “got this”, and that for some oddball fucking reason, I’m a role model now to some of my former coworkers. Which…uhm…thanks? I mean, I appreciate the compliments and the votes of confidence, but if you all only knew how much I fear failure…I mean, I fear failure ALMOST as much as I fear rejection…and I fear that more than I fear death.

I graduated high school in 1999. I withdrew from college in 2000. I haven’t had to write a term paper or research essay in nearly 20 years. Somebody better call up Georgia Pacific, because I’m going to need to buy a cargo ship load of toilet paper for this wild ride!